Not That Frivolous: Personal Injuries

Almost everyone has heard of so-called frivolous lawsuits. These are suits that seem to be built on the flimsiest of wrong-doing and appear to be spurred not by the search for justice but money. If you get hurt yourself, however, misconceptions about frivolous lawsuits might keep you from seeking the money damages that you really deserve. Read on to learn more. Silly Suits The media may be partly to blame for the wide decimation of news about these cases, many of which never make it past the filing stage. [Read More]

Should Your Business Sue a Reviewer Over a Bad Online Review?

When a customer is unhappy and highly vocal about it, it's usually a good idea to make amends when you can. However, there are some people that simply refused to be either pleased or appeased. For many business owners, that's a big problem. One well-placed bad review online can cost a company greatly. For the most part, businesses are best advised to try to smooth over the issue or at least respond gracefully and hope for the best. [Read More]